

2008 Mar 25 emeralda

Guy Blade Guy Blade---11:19:00

Things that are not Awesome
Things that are not awesome:

1. A person trying to beg money from you for Easter dinner while you are loading your car up with groceries. They're begging from you because they don't want to ask their friends who they are going to be going to dinner with soon. If you can lower yourself to beg from stranger who definately don't care about you, you can lower yourself to beg from your friends who at least might1.

2. Being told to go play HaKox, then after beating the 10 levels that have just been exposed, not being able to save again until after 45 minutes of cutscenes plus a boss fight. If you're going to make us play the minigame, at least let us save before you throw us into a boss fight! At least it is better than II.

3. Kenny vs. Spenny

4. Owing the Indiana government $108 when I have refunds from both the US government and the California government. Serious, why can't Indiana properly withhold money from my paycheck?

5. Watching all of Battlestar Galactica Season 3 in 3 days then having to wait a month before new episodes come out. Even then, I won't actually be in the country when the new episodes start coming out so I'll have to find another way to see the first one.

6. Crimson Tears

7. Multipath routing in Linux.

8. StumbleUpon being full of top N lists and blog posts about blogging. No one cares about metablogging blog posts. I have taken to tagging every top N list on StumbleUpon that I find with the tag topnlist and I suggest others do the same.

9. KML. OK, here's the thing that I don't understand about modern languages which have graphical description as a major component: why don't you let me do per-vertex coloring. I'm not even talking about advanced shaders or anthing like that; I'm talking about something akin to OpenGL's ability to set the color for each vertex of a polygon and then do bilinear interpolation inside the polygon. I can't do this in SVG. I can't do this in KML. The libgd framework doesn't support it out of the box. Come on people, OpenGL was designed in 1992. We should at least be able to do 2d drawing as well as it can when we're specifying new graphical description languages.

1 My response was to say that all I had in cash was a roll of quarters that I needed for laundry. This was a lie; I had plenty of cash. I just don't like giving things to strangers. Also, the whole "Easter dinner" thing isn't going to engender much sympathy from me since I was planning to have spaghetti alone for dinner.

This top N list has N = 9.

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