

2006 Jul 08 aya

Guy Blade Guy Blade---04:41:00

We are transmitting
So today after work, I went on an adventure. Over in West Terre Haue, WMHD has its transmitter. For over a week, it hasn't been transmitting despite the fact that everything in the studio was working. Today, I and roommates Rob and Steve went to correct this problem. Strangely enough the transmitter was in a field behind a house covered in "No Trespassing" signs that was inhabited by approximately ten 8 to 14 year-olds. We had expected the transmitter to be powered off, but everything was being provided power. After poking around for about half an hour and talking to Leven a few times, I decided to press the manual power on button (usually it is activated by a phone control system but that hadn't been responding). After that, we began to hear things over the radio. My current belief is that the phone line is down either due to problems in the location ( I couldn't get the only other phone there to work) or due to our bill being delinquint.

In other WMHD news, from midnight until 2am every night is Video Game Music. Also, the requests page is better in several ways.

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