

2007 Jun 12 elly-miang

Guy Blade Guy Blade---06:08:00

Today, I went to Cingular/ATT to get a new phone and contract. This was a monumental struggle. Since my number had to be moved to a new account (my mother had previously been handling it), I had to call the Cingular Transfer Service (tm) number before I could get a new phone. The people in the store were, for whatever reason, unable to do the transfer themselves. Luckily, I got them to waive all of the fees associated with moving it over and only had to pay to get my new phone--a Motorola RAZR V3xx. It is a decent little phone. Lucky for me, unlike Andrew, my phone doesn't have any bizarre cripplings as far as I can tell.

On my old phone, I had taken a few pictures that I wanted to hold on to. I didn't, however, have the stuff necessary to copy them off my phone onto my computer at the time. Luckily, since both my new phone and old phone have bluetooth, I was able to send them all over in about 15 minutes (no bulk transfers unfortunately, just a phone in each hand pressing the same key combination over and over again).

I get free unlimited Internet on it for the first month, which I have used thus far in a roundabout scheme to put a few mp3s on it to use as ringtones. For now, I'm using the victory theme from Kirby's Dreamland. I haven't come up with another good idea yet, but I'm certainly willing to take suggestions.

In non-phone related news, today marks the longest period of time that I have been in Anderson since I began my Rose career. I leave town in 6 days and will be gone for the forseeable future.

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