

2009 Sep 13 peach

Guy Blade Guy Blade---12:15:00

I can feel it dying
I'm watching C-SPAN. This is something that I do rather often. Currently, they are replaying footage from the "Taxpayer March on Washington" which was a conservative gathering in DC earlier today which generally was protesting Obama's policies vis-a-vis health care, bailouts and other topical issues. Though I disagree with much of what is being said, it remains interesting due to the "seeing the other side" aspect. Said feeling came to a halt like a car hitting a brick wall when the introduced Hi-Caliber as "the only right-wing hip hop artist in America". Listening to a lousy white rapper touting the benefits of right-wing ideology was too much. I could feel the part of me that doesn't actively hate all of humanity slowly dying. I decided to watch something else.

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