

2008 Oct 08 relm

Guy Blade Guy Blade---03:30:00

Cost benefit analysis
So, I called the DMV this morning to get my stupid tags. It turns out that, because I didn't notice their absence within 90 days, I will be forced to pay $17 in order to get them to send out new ones. I was incredibly irritated and asked if there was any way they would waive the fee and was told that only a manager in one of the individual brances would have the authority to do that (though they probably would). Unfortunately, the calculus still doesn't come out in my favor because it would take more than 30 minutes to go to the DMV and get it sorted out. Thus, I am once again forced to pay as the cheapest way to get the issue resolved.

When I wrote my check to LA for my ticket, I wrote in the "for" field "The DMV's failure".

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