

2010 Aug 05 elly-miang

Guy Blade Guy Blade---21:08:00

Two for the Price of One
Last weekend, I flew back to Indiana to go to Krallja's wedding. It was a rather massive affair: he had two weddings in one day. The first was a Vietnamese style wedding that involved a lot of awesome outfits, tea serving, and a big. The second was a Western style wedding. Overall, it was probably one of the most complicated affairs that I've ever seen, but they managed to pull it off successfully without any major hiccups as far as I could tell.

Aside from the wedding itself, I saw a fair number of my old Rose friends. I actually saw Herbig for the first time since I graduated. Dietrich was also around with Nick and Ken (from Speed 3). I also ran into Tom, but I see him most every time that I'm back near Terre Haute anyway.

I took a handful of pictures from the wedding with my camera phone.

Unfortunately, I think I planned the trip wrong. I ended up with flights at bad times that meant that I had to cut out on festivities early. In the future, I'll just allow for more time for such events. I have a ton of vacation time, after all.

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